Cotton Cogs and Little Candies
How powerful can an idea or thought be? If it is strong enough, than a masterful writer can take that and wrap that one meaning into a cornucopia of stories and pieces. They can have multiple layers of deep meanings spread throughout a myriad of texts and mediums to convey the same heartfelt message of hope and love. Even crazier, is multiple authors can grasp the same powerful idea and produce an even broader range of emotions and reactions. Take Cotton Candy and Little Cog-burt for example. Both different authors separated by different backgrounds offering some very similar messages and takeaways from their beautiful Caribbean stories. The stories follow two strong women who face bleak situations, but blossom like a flower through concrete. Moira, in Little Cog-burt , has to deal with the realization that her old way of life isn't manageable anymore and she needs to adapt and overcome to the new way of things. Being able to pass a memorable treasure on to someone who is deprived and share such a great experience with them is the real treasure. Taking that note, Lola in Cotton Candy has to deal with the realization that her old way of life can't be managed anymore. Her life of being a celibate seamstress is uprooted and changed by the death of her mother and the revolution outside. She's forced to adapt and overcome and to pass a memorable treasure along to someone deprived. Her younger self was the deprived one but she is able to pass along the joys of sex/life before she is too old to enjoy life's simple beauties. These two stories tackle some of the same issues, just from different angles. The issues of change, poverty, and traditions are some of the most tedious and monstrous issues that writers have to delicately weave through in order to accurately represent and deal with in an adult and professional manner.
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